Kentucky Tonight on the budget | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Kentucky Tonight on the budget

Tonight's "Kentucky Tonight" will focus on Kentucky's state budget problems.

With lower than expected August revenue, the state is falling further behind even the Consensus Forecasting Group's dire budget forecast for 2009/2010.  The state budget director points to low sales tax revenue and low income tax revenue.  (Sounds like maybe it's time to reform our sales and income taxes!)

Sheila Schuster represents one of KFTC's allies in the Kentucky Forward Coalition, the Advocacy Action Network.  Dr. Schuster will be on tonight's show, along with people from Kentucky Youth Advocates and two anti-government organizations, Kentucky Club for Growth and the Bluegrass Institute.

You can email in questions and comments during the broadcast--a good opportunity to shine the light on progressive tax reforms.  Comments and questions that show the role of government would be great--don't we want a society of people who all have opportunities to become educated, safe, protected, and healthy?--as would questions that point out the need for a tax structure that doesn't ask more from our working and middle classes than it does from the wealthiest Kentuckians.

The show is at 8:00 eastern time on KET.  Email your thoughts in to [email protected]!

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