| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

KFTC building movement with Climate Justice alliance

At the end of March, several KFTC members and staff traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico to represent KFTC at the 2019 Member Convening of the Climate Justice Alliance.

CJA is a diverse yet aligned coalition of communities on the frontline of the climate crisis from across the country and world working for a Just Transition. 

The member convening was a similar to KFTC's annual membership meeting – combining voting on key proposals and plans for CJA's work by CJA member organizations, with valuable moments of collective learning, relationship building and deepening alignment. 

It was an inspiring movement space, full of love and power, strategic planning along issues and regions, honor to ancestors and babies, and more. 

For three transformative days, KFTC member Berenice Davila Gonzalez of Madison County and I, with two KFTC staff members, joined and built community with other CJA members and grassroots organizations working for a Just Transition.

The others were from Buffalo, New York to Alaska; from Jackson, Mississippi to Black Mesa, Arizona; from Richmond, California to Portland, Oregon, from Detroit, Michigan to New Orleans, Louisiana. 

We were joined by other Kentuckians representing the Alliance for Appalachia, the Kentucky Student Environmental Coalition, Appalachian Voices and the National Family Farm Coalition.