| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

KFTC Delegation to Colombia


What: To apply for an exciting travel opportunity with KFTC and Witness for Peace (WFP)

Where: To the coal-mining region of Colombia, South America

When: The WFP delegation will do a Mountain Witness Tour with KFTC from July 16-19. The delegation will be in Colombia from July 19-26.

Who: KFTC will send 2 leaders and 1 staff to join a group of 15-20 people from other parts of the US

Application deadline: Friday, June 11 at 5 pm

Trip description

KFTC is sending 2 KFTC members and 1 staff person to participate in a trip to the coal-mining region of Colombia in South America! The trip has been organized by a group called Witness For Peace. The purpose of the journey is to follow the trail of the coal that supplies power to New England, meet with human rights activists, trade unionists, members of Afro-Colombian, indigenous communities and others affected by coal production in Colombia. The group will explore how we can work in solidarity with communities and organizations in Colombia to hold corporations accountable for human rights. KFTC members have been invited to help broaden the conversation to include ways that Appalachian communities are also impacted by mining.

Colombia's coal comes from two of the largest open-pit coalmines in the world: Exxon created El Cerrejón in the 1980s. A consortium of European-based companies and La Loma owned by the Alabama-based Drummond Company now owns El Cerrejón. Both of these mines export large quantities of coal to the United States and both have been accused of serious human rights violations.

Who can apply?

KFTC encourages all interested members to apply to participate in this exciting opportunity. KFTC’s Leadership Development Committee has the difficult job of selecting two KFTC members from all those who apply. Below are the criteria they will use to prioritize and select participants:

  • People who live in the coalfields

  • People who are committed to non-violent social change

  • People who are affected by mining and interested in the larger issues of energy, economy and democracy

  • People who are active in and committed to building KFTC and the Canary Project

  • People who are willing to share this experience with other audiences (including KFTC chapters, schools and congregations, etc)

  • People who are interested in learning from the communities in Colombia and helping to carry their message forward

  • People who have a valid passport or will get one by July 8th

  • People who are older than 18

  • People who are willing to help raise the funds needed to support this trip.

How do I apply and receive more information about this trip?

Any KFTC member interested in being considered for this trip should submit a request in writing to Heather Mahoney at heather [at] kftc.org or 250 Plaza Drive, Suite 4, Lexington, KY 40503. Your request can be simple but should address the following questions:

  1. Why are you interested in participating in this exchange with communities and workers in the coalfields of Colombia?

  1. Are you committed to working for change through non-violent means?

  1. What are you wiling to do to share this experience with others?

  1. What are you willing to do to help fundraise for this trip?

  1. Do you have a valid passport? (If not, you should immediately start the process to get one. Do not wait to hear if you are selected. Just know that you may not be able to get a passport in time to participate this year.)

  1. Are you able to participate in the Appalachian portion of this exchange (July 16-19th), as well as the trip to Colombia (July 19-26)?

The deadline for submitting your request is 5 pm on Friday, June 11.

For more information, you can visit http://witnessforpeace.live.radicaldesigns.org/userdata_display.php?modin=51&uid=30 or you can contact Heather at 859-276-0563.

What will this trip cost?

KFTC is working to raise about $1,900 per person to cover airfare, travel in Colombia, food, lodging, translators, guides, reading materials and other expenses related to this trip. Those who are selected to participate will be expected to help in the fundraising effort. (Possible fundraising options include sending letters to donors/friends/neighbors who might support your trip, holding fundraising dinners, and other creative ideas.)

Participants are required to have a valid passport to travel. It can cost between $150 and $200 to get a passport in a hurry if you do not currently have one. This is an expense that each individual is expected to pay. However, don’t let the cost keep you from applying. If necessary, KFTC may be able to help fundraise to cover this expense as well.

Bringing it Home

Selected participants will be asked to share their experience with other KFTC members, church groups, students, and more. The KFTC members and staff person chosen to go will create a follow up plan for sharing what they learned when they return home.

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