KFTC has a blast on the Fourth of July | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

KFTC has a blast on the Fourth of July

Central Kentucky KFTC members did a great job tabling for 12-straight hours at the Fourth of July Festivities.100_0165.JPG

Twenty-two members tabled with us throughout the day - including veteran activists and brand new members alike.  They had a lot of substantial outcomes like recruiting 12 new KFTC members and distributing hundreds of newsletters and pamphlets!

Members focused on pushing for an adjournment of the special legislative session and gave out 200 copies of an action alert, asking people to call the legislative message hotline.  These action alerts were also distributed at a total of seven ally organization tables at the Fair.

KFTC didn't participate in the parade itself this year, but many of our members showed solidarity with allies and marched with them or collectively cheered them from the KFTC booth. 

Members say that it was a lot of fun and are already talking about what they could do better next year. 


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