KFTC Hires 11 Part-Time Electoral Organizers | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

KFTC Hires 11 Part-Time Electoral Organizers


We've recently hired 11 new Electoral Organizers to help us hit our Voter Empowerment goals between now and Election Day (Tuesday, November 2nd).


They started off last week with a three-day training in Lexington, including field work and role-plays (pictured to the right) and are now back in their respective communities this week to hit the ground running and collectively have deep, meaningful contact with 50,000 voters. 

As always, our greatest strength lies in our Members, not our staff, so these new Electoral Organizers are there mostly to facilitate the work of our members (like you) in registering voters, talking about issues, circulating petitions, organizing events, and distributing voter guides.

Jefferson County
- Whit Forrester
- Tiffany Gonzales

Central Kentucky
- Tayna Fogle
- Jerry Moody
- Lella Garner
- David Fitts

Scott County
- Rev Joseph Jackson


Madison County
- Greg Capillo

Eastern KY Communities

- Waylon Nelson (Floyd)
- Angela Armstrong (Letcher)
- Elizabeth Sanders (Harlan)

And all of that is in addition to the full-time Voter Empowerment staff, most of which we brought on several months ago

- Shameka Parrish-Wright (Jefferson)
- Parrty Tarquino (Warren County)
- Brittany Hunsaker (Central Kentucky)
- Joe Gallenstein (Northern Kentucky)
- John Stoll Malloy (Data Manager
- Dave Newton (Lead Voter Empowerment Organizer)

With all of this added capacity, we're poised to make an especially big impact on the 2010 Election - with your help. 

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