KFTC at the Kentucky State Fair | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

KFTC at the Kentucky State Fair


Kentuckians For The Commonwealth concluded its ten-day stint at the Kentucky State Fair in Louisville last week, completing substantial outreach and visibility.

The 20 ft-wide booth focused on both Restoration of Voting Rights for Former Felons and Mountaintop Removal Mining / Coal issues.  We recruited dozens of members, and got hundreds of people to fill out postcards to legislative leaders on both Voting Rights and against subsidies for filthy fuels.

Members say that this was an especially great way to raise visibility of our issues statewide and in Louisville particularly.  KFTC members also took the opportunity to connect with allies in such organization as the Fairness Campaign, the League of Women Voters, and labor unions (which also had booths) and also state entities like the State Board of Elections and also political party booths. 

Materials developed by KFTC's Communications staff for the State Fair booth have already been used in several other events across the state and will continue to be used at small community fairs, meetings, and other occasions for many months to come.

Thanks to all of the KFTC members from across the state who made our 120-hours at the State Fair a success.


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