KFTC members in DC this week | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

KFTC members in DC this week

We Love Appalachia! (by iLoveMountains.org)

Group photo from the Washington DC delegation. Photo by Mary Kroeck

Members of KFTC and several other ally groups are in Washington D.C. this week lobbying members of Congress to support the Clean Water Protection Act (H.R. 2169).  This bill would expand the Clean Water Act to prohibit the dumping of mining waste into rivers and streams, effectively outlawing the practice of valley fills.  The Clean Water Protection Act currently has 129 co-sponsors in the House (including Reps. Ben Chandler and John Yarmuth from Kentucky), and we are working to expand that list.

We are asking everyone who cares about protecting our streams to call the Capitol Message Line (202-225-3121) and leave a message for your member of Congress, asking that they sign on as a co-sponsor to this legislation or thank them if they already have signed on as a co-sponsor. 

Talking points for your call

  • Tell them that you are their constituent, and that you are calling to request that they to become a co-sponsor of the Clean Water Protection Act, H.R. 2169, introduced by Congressman Frank Pallone of New Jersey and Congressman Christopher Shays of Connecticut.

  • Across the Appalachian coalfields, more than 1200 miles of streams have been buried and destroyed by mountaintop removal coal mining.

  • The Clean Water Protection Act, H.R. 2169, is necessary to protect clean drinking water for many of our nation’s cities.

  • The Clean Water Protection Act is also necessary to protect the quality of life for Appalachian coalfield residents who face frequent catastrophic flooding and pollution or loss of drinking water as a result of mountaintop removal.

Please visit ilovemountains.org for more information on this action and a list of co-sponsors.

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