KFTC Members at Fancy Farm | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

KFTC Members at Fancy Farm


Political buffs and candidates from all across the state flocked to the tiny town of Fancy Farm in Graves County this weekend to enjoy barbecue sandwiches and partisan political slams as part of a 128-year tradition, equally proud of both.  Thought of by many as marking the official beginning of each year's Kentucky election season, the Fancy Farm Picnic can often set the stage for the Elections in November and KFTC members weren't to be left out! 

Four members from the Central Kentucky Chapter made the trip - Susan Williams, Danny Cotton, Joe Gallenstein, and Caitlin Powell.  They passed out KFTC stickers and newsletters and got people to sign postcards on Restoration of Voting Rights for Former Felons who have served their time.  They also tried to talk to candidates and elected leaders to build rapport with KFTC and to hand off hard-copies of candidate surveys (in addition to mailed and emailed surveys that have already gone out).  They also held signs about Restoration of Voting Rights and Mountaintop Removal Mining.

"Folks really responded to our signs," said Susan.  "I got so many positive comments from people I didn't know."

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 KFTC members found the event energetic and a great place to spread our message, but were also disappointed by the random attacks, lack of substance, partisanship, and small-mindedness of some of the displays by candidates - both Democrat and Republican.

 At one point, a crowd of folks came out as part of the Republican program, dressed as 'Arabs' with robes, headdresses, fake beards, and sunglasses, waving money around.  "I found McConnell's campaign display to be racist and distasteful," said Caitlin Powell.  "It was a negative stereotype and a poor caricature."

Members were also disappointed by Lunsford staffers who seemed to put an inordinate amount of effort into blocking McConnell campaign video cameras from taping Lunsford. 



In related news, KET's Comment on Kentucky program on Friday focused on Fancy Farm and was taped on location at the Picnic.  Not only was one of the topics, Restoration of Voting Rights for Former Felons, but KFTC members Caitlin Powell, Joe Gallenstein, and Danny Cotton can be seen in the background of many shots.

You can view the program online Here. 


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