KFTC Members Featured in Yes Magazine | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

KFTC Members Featured in Yes Magazine

Check out the latest issue of Yes Magazine to read "Having a Voice Makes People Happy" by Frances Moore Lappe which focuses on KFTC great work over the years including our recent voter empowerment efforts!

"There’s just one pathway to happiness in which this deep, human need for power is given pride of place: democracy. By this I mean democracy as a living practice that enables us to have a real say in every dimension of our public lives, from school to workplace and beyond.

Such power is expanding in part through a growing number of largely unseen citizen organizations. Among them is Kentuckians for the Commonwealth (KFTC), whose 5,000-plus members address concerns ranging from toxic dumping to open government.

Jean True, a leader in KFTC in the 1990s, told me, "I was home raising kids for 10 years. I didn’t know anything about politics. I thought my only job was to vote.â€

When I asked Jean to tell me why she joined KFTC, she responded, "It’s just the fun! That you can get together some regular people, go to the capitol, and make changes in state policy. … We have a great time doing what we do, going toe to toe and head to head with state legislators. We sometimes know more than they do! It’s the fun of power—the ant knocking over the buffalo.â€


Read the full article online here.

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