KFTC Members Help Kentucky Sustainable Energy Alliance plan for a powerful 2012 | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

KFTC Members Help Kentucky Sustainable Energy Alliance plan for a powerful 2012

Mary and Steve at KySEA meeting

photo: Steve Boyce and Mary Love, KFTC representatives to KySEA

Several Kentucky Sustainable Energy Alliance (KySEA) members gathered together yesterday to explore what we have learned over the last year of working together as an alliance and to consider what the plan is for 2012. KFTC was a founding member of this alliance and was represented by Mary Love and Steve Boyce at the meeting. (For more information about KySEA, click here.)

During the meeting, there was healthy discussion about the current state of Kentucky's energy landscape and future, as well as reflection about the lessons KySEA learned from the 2011 legislative session, during which KySEA members lobbied and gave powerful testimony in support of the Clean Energy Opportunity Act. KySEA agreed to support the the bill again if it is introduced in the 2012 session and began to plot out a course of action in the areas of research, outreach and education, and alliance-building as well.

5.24 meeting pic 2

photo: Geoff Young and Subodh Das, KySEA members

KySEA members also got a preview of an outreach presentation we're calling the "Clean Energy Road Show." It covers the basics of what types of clean energy exist in Kentucky and explores their feasibility. It also considers what the obstacles are currently in place to widespread deployment of those resources. KFTC staff and members will be offering this presentation to chapters and groups throughout the state over the next year - so look for it in your area!

If your group or church is interested in joining KySEA or hearing a presentation of the "Clean Energy Road Show," email [email protected].

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