| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

KFTC members take action for LGBTQ Fairness

Madison Co KFTC members take action for Fairness

KFTC members joined allies from across the state in Frankfort on February 26 to take action for LGBTQ rights and attend the Fairness Rally. Many were prepared for a full day of lobby meetings with legislators and excited to cap off the day at the rally to celebrate and demand LGBTQ equality in Kentucky.

KFTC members met with many lawmakers throughout the day. They discussed with lawmakers the need for statewide Fairness legislation that would prohibit discrimination in housing, employment, public accommodations, and financial transaction in the state based on sexual orentation and gender identity. KFTC members across the state have been active in the push for local and statewide Fairness legislation that would advance LGBTQ equality. 

Members also discussed the need for Kentucky to join other states that have taken action to ban conversion therapy. Conversion therapy is a medically discredited practice that fradulently claims to change folks' sexual orentations and gender identities. Kentuckians and KFTC members have taken action to join the emerging movement in the commonwealth to protect LGBTQ young folks from these harmful practices.

Many KFTC members, as well as folks who are new to the organization, made the trip to the capitol for the very first time, where they were greeted by other KFTC members who were proud to be joined by fresh faces. 

First time lobbyists attend a training with KFTC to take action for LGBTQ rights

First time lobbyists attend a training with KFTC to take action for LGBTQ rights

Reflecting on the Fairness rally, Jacob Mahurin of Madison County noted: 

"The Fairness Rally was my first experience with KFTC, and it was my first pride experience. It was also the first time I had my two worlds collide: spirituality and queerness. I’ve struggled to balance these two essential parts of myself like there was a scale that has my faith on one side and my personal identity on the other. They have never been allowed to intermingle until the Fairness Rally. It was the first time I had permission to be myself, existing in both worlds at the same time, together. Especially with Reverand Gilbert’s speech. After the rally, I felt physically tired, but emotionally and spiritually re-charged due to the overwhelming divine love and hope from all involved." 

Shane Wilcher of Madison County  joined Mahurin for many lobby meetings with lawmakers throughout the day. Wilcher had attended the Fariness Rally many previous years and was thrilled to go to Frankfort to take action during the 2019 General Assembly session. 

Reflecting on the day, Wilcher noted: 

"Tuesday was my third time lobbying, and every time I do it I feel like my drive to continue this work increases. I brought along my boyfriend (it was his first time lobbying), and it was so cool to see him experience this important part of my life.

I haven't been as active with KFTC in the past few months because school and work were taking up too much time in my life. Being at the capitol on Tuesday made me realize how much I've missed this. I'm definitely going to work harder to make sure I have time in my schedule. KFTC fulfills me more than almost anything I currently do in my life."

Folks who attended the rally after a day full of meetings with lawmakers were surprised this year by a pop-up wedding that happened right in the capitol rotunda!

As Wilcher remembered the day, he noted, "Also, I have to admit, watching Sasha and Rebecca get married made me cry. My mom told me when I got home that she saw me crying on the livestream."

KFTC members are passionate about equality and consistenlty work for a day when discrimination is wiped out of our laws, habits, and hearts.

You can view KFTC's facebook video of the rally at this link.

Members of KFTC's SoKY Chapter take action for Fairness in Frankofrt

Members of KFTC's SoKY Chapter take action for Fairness in Frankofrt