| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

KFTC's 2011 Election Work rtwaqby the numbersrtwaq



Voter Registration at BCPL cropped


Kentuckians For The Commonwealth's non-partisan voter registration, education, and mobilization campaign:
10 - Candidates responding to this year's candidate survey (of 14 running).
18,000 - Voter guides distributed.
9,000 - Voter turnout calls to KFTC members and friends.
37 - Letters to the editor written by KFTC members and friends leading up to the election
31,492 - Page views we received at KentuckyElection.org this election cycle.
12,721 - Page views we received at KentuckyElection.org in just the last 36 hours of the election.
1,100 - Voters registered by KFTC.
2,500 - Zombie handbills passed out leading up to Halloween.
7,200 - KFTC members who all did their part - voting, volunteering, donating, and/or spreading the word.

New Power PAC's Voting Rights campaign focused on the Secretary of State's race. 
5 - Strategic newspaper ads
18,000 - Mailers sent out to key voters
937 - Number of times people "shared" the web link to GoodDemocracyKY.org on Facebook
6,862 - Pageviews on our GoodDemocracyKY.org website in just the 7 days leading to the election.  That's almost 1,000 per day. 
3.6 million - Times our ad was shown on on Facebook.  Yeah.  That's a real number. 

Of course these numbers are skewed towards things that are easy to count and quantify.  There have been so many intangible, powerful results to our work in this election that aren't nearly so easy enumerate - like leadership development, conversations with neighbors, the power of a former felon telling their story for the first time or a student casting their first ballot.

For all of the results tangible and intangible, thank you to those who made it all possible. 


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