| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Let's build grassroots power together during our fall campaign

Hello, KFTC members and friends.

Today we kick off KFTC’s fall membership and fundraising campaign. We’ll be working to grow KFTC to 12,000 members and reach our grassroots fundraising goal of $500,000 by the end of the year. That’s how we’ll build the power we need in 2018!

You can help. Renew your membership or join KFTC today.

The first line of KFTC’s vision statement says: “We are working for a day when Kentuckians – and all people – enjoy a better quality of life.” I think that’s worth working for, don’t you?

We know that the political tide is pushing Kentucky and our nation toward a very different vision. It takes all of us working together to push back. It takes our hard work, our time and – yes – our money to make our bright vision for Kentucky come true.

From Paducah to Pikeville, thousands of Kentuckians are already taking action for justice – leading powerful issue campaigns, growing community leaders, empowering voters, resisting with vision. Maybe you participated in the 25-hour livestreamed People’s Emergency Health Care Hearing this year. Or you shared your story with elected officials in Washington, Frankfort or your local city hall. Or you rallied for DACA or fairness. Or you built your skills at a KFTC chapter training.

Those are just a few examples of the work you make possible when you renew your membership or join KFTC. You build grassroots power!

  • Click here to renew or join online right now.

  • Click here to become a Sustaining Giver and increase your impact. That’s what I do, because it’s so easy and KFTC can count on my monthly donation. Sign up today, and we’ll send you our new KFTC shirt.

  • Or mail your membership check to KFTC, P.O. Box 1450, London KY 40743.

There’s no better time to take action for justice. Are you with us?







Meta Mendel-Reyes, KFTC Chairperson