| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Let's shift the political landscape: support Action for Democracy

I was proud to join other Kentuckians in Frankfort on April 13 with my KFTC sweatshirt on. The huge crowd was what democracy looks like – even if the legislature was unworthy of it.

We all went to Frankfort to let our governor and legislators know that Kentuckians deserve better from our General Assembly.

This was one of the most damaging legislative sessions we’ve seen in years. Our elected leaders:

  • raised taxes on 95 percent of Kentuckians – not to raise new revenue for state investments, but to fund a tax cut for the wealthy and corporations.
  • passed a budget with significant cuts to education (including zero funding for textbooks and other school programs) and most other services across the board.
  • passed House Bill 169, which will increase incarceration of young people of color, and cost an additional $19 million a year that we could invest in community supports for preventing gang violence.

Donate now. Right now, during KFTC’s spring fundraising campaign, we have an exciting opportunity to double the money we raise. A generous member who believes in Action for Democracy will give us $100,000 – if we can first raise $100,000 by June 1. If we meet this match, your gift will double.

Join your local Democracy Team and help build grassroots power. Contact your local organizer or Alicia Hurle at [email protected] or 502-589-3188.

And they limited access to the capitol building for folks like you and me who have a right – and a responsibility – to talk with our leaders about what’s important to us.

But we also saw unprecedented grassroots energy. And we made our voices heard – through town hall meetings, lobby visits, rallies and thousands of phone calls and email messages.

It mattered that we showed up. KFTC members and our allies worked tirelessly to preserve a bright future for clean energy jobs and businesses by defeating HB 227, a bill that sought to wreck rooftop solar while rewarding monopoly utilities. We also helped stop several other bills that would have tipped the scales toward a dangerous national constitutional convention.

Still, Kentucky deserves better. And Kentuckians can do better.

That’s why KFTC members are taking Action for Democracy.

Action for Democracy is action by and for Kentuckians. It’s about building grassroots power by bringing together our issue work and electoral politics. It’s about regular people getting excited about democracy and getting others involved. It’s about voting in better leaders. And it’s about working year-round – not just during an election – to build long-term grassroots power.

We’re registering voters, talking with folks about issues, hosting candidate forums, giving rides to the polls and spotlighting candidates we’re excited about. We’ve formed Democracy Teams across the state, and at least 27 KFTC members are running for office!

So much is at stake in this election year. Folks are hungry for a progressive vision and ready to work for it.

If you believe Kentucky deserves better, I’m inviting you to get involved. The boxes above offer two great ways for you to jump in.

Let’s build the democracy we know is possible. On to May and November!