A letter from Kentucky Single Payer Health | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

A letter from Kentucky Single Payer Health

Sent in by Jefferson County member Harriette Seiler

Dear friends of meaningful health care reform,
     On Wednesday, Jan 7, there will be a public forum on health care policy with the comments to be sent to the Obama transition team. It is crucial that many single payer supporters attend and express their opinions in favor of a nonprofit publicly-funded system that covers everyone (as detailed in HR 676). This forum will attract a lot of representatives from the health care industry. But the Obama-Daschle team needs to hear from the grassroots.

Please make every effort to be there. Voice your concerns. Tell your story.
Wednesday, Jan. 7
9 to 11 a. m.
Brown & Williamson Club at Papa John's Cardinal Stadium

People may register for the event by calling 852-2148.

Best wishes for health and justice in the new year,
Kay Tillow (502) 636 1551 Harriette Seiler (502) 899-3861
Kentuckians for Single Payer Healthcare


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