Letters in Defense of Voting Rights for the Homeless | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Letters in Defense of Voting Rights for the Homeless


A few days ago, we  published a blog entry about a push by some politicians to take the right to vote away from homeless people in Kentucky.  Since then, four KFTC members have sent in letters to the editor in support of the right of homeless people to vote.

Below is a letter from KFTC member Shekinah Lavalle that was published a few days ago.

Homeless voters

I am disappointed to read that any elected official would go out of his way to suggest that any citizens of this country be denied the right to vote, a right which is so essentially American. I think "non-issueâ€ (as quoted from Secretary of State Elaine Walker) pretty much sums up the complaints of Boone County Clerk Kenny Brown, who suggested that our commonwealth should be concerned about the homeless population registering to vote.

We have processes already in place to guard against voter fraud. No voter can just walk into any polling place, or multiple locations for that matter, and cast votes. We have polling place assignments; surely a person who has said that they do not have a permanent address would be assigned a polling place in much the same manner as every other Kentuckian.

As a citizen who pays close attention to current events, I'm more concerned about fraud and misbehavior from my elected officials than I am from the poor, the disenfranchised, the less powerful members of society...

Click Here and scroll down to read the rest of Shekinah's letter on the Courier Journal website.

There's also still time to send in your own letter, which you can do on the Courier Journal website by clicking Here.

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