| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Lexington members of KFTC raise awareness and funds

cky, economic justice


Members of the Central Kentucky chapter's economic justice work team went door to door once again in the Ohio Walnut neighborhood to talk to folks about economic justice issues. In just a couple of hours they were able to conduct 21 surveys with folks and have some really good and important conversations about the future of jobs in Lexington, the state of rental property and support for young people.

On Sunday, central Kentucky member Jessica Mohler held a house party to educate people about the importance of voting and to gain their support for house bill 70 - KFTC and Rep. Jesse Crenshaw's bill to restore voting rights to former felons who've served their time. About 20 folks attended and watched the film Democracy's Ghosts which is about the disenfranchisement of former felons across the country.

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"I have been a KFTC member for eight years and this issue is very important to me. There is no reason to continue punishing people once they've served their time." - Jessica Mohler.

Six folks joined KFTC at the party and three folks renewed their memberships. People had a really great time.

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If you'd like to host a house party benefit for KFTC please contact your local organizer. In the Lexington area you may get in touch with Ondine at [email protected]


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