| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Lexington volunteers burning up the phonelines


We're just completing the Central KY KFTC Fall Fundraising phone bank tonight, with half a dozen volunteers making calls or writing letters.

A few people worked from their homes and offices and others joined us at the Lexington KFTC office.  Together, we talked to tons of KFTC members, sent 52 personal follow-up letters, and had fun doing it. 

"This is actually my first time volunteering with KFTC.  I went to my first meeting just recently.  It felt pretty good." - Paul Brown

"Everyone I talked to on the phone was so nice.  The vast majority of them agreed to give another donation to KFTC and that was pretty great." - Saraya Brewer

There's one last Central KY KFTC phone bank tomorrow night (Wednesday) between 6pm and 9pm at the KFTC office (250 Plaza Dr, upstairs).  Come on out and volunteer with us if you can.

And if you can take a moment to make a special donation online to sustain our work, please click here.

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