Local KFTC leaders learning from each other, building power | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Local KFTC leaders learning from each other, building power

Chapter Development Training 6.20.09

Recently more than a dozen local KFTC chapter leaders converged in Frankfort for a "Build Power, Build Chaptersâ€ training.  Leaders from Central Kentucky, Madison County, Jefferson County, where there are strong local chapters, came together to share their work and learn from each other.  KFTC members from Frankfort and Northern Kentucky also joined for the day to learn how to build a new chapter in their area."I got a lot out of it,â€ said Jefferson County member Ben Evans. 

During the 5 ½ hour training leaders learned about the characteristics that make a strong chapter, a snapshot of how various, current chapters function, and how important local chapters are to building power. "I enjoyed seeing the "life-cycle of a chapterâ€ graph – the ups and downs -- it reminded me of myself!â€ said Madison County member Tom Hubbard.

Chapter Development Training 6.20.09

Folks also spent the afternoon discussing how to build our personal networks to connect more people to KFTC and strengthen our chapters.  

The energy throughout the day was great.  Leaders enjoyed sharing and celebrating all of their efforts with each other.  Jefferson County leader Becki Winchel said, "We need circle back pats to appreciate each other for all we do and the support we have from each other and give to each other to keep on doing it as often as possible.â€

Chapter Development Training 6.20.09





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