| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Louisville weekend update

IMG560Today, two KFTC electoral organizers went to St. Stephen's Baptist Church in Louisville to register voters and give out information about voting rights. We registered 30 voters and gave a lot of registration cards for people to take home to family members but they will be returning those cards to the church and they will contact us to pick them up.

In other news, we tabled the Fairdale Festival in Louisville on Friday and Saturay. We had a slow start to Friday and ended up with 16 registrations for the day and about 10 people signed up to get a voter guide. Saturday we got off to a great start and got 42 registrations.

And finally, we had great conversations with about ten high schoolers who were hanging out at the park about why it's important to vote. With one group, they were already all for voting, declaring, "As soon as I'm 18, I will be voting!" We asked if their parents were registered, and one girl took a mail-in card for her mom. Also we talked to two girls and asked if they'd like mail-in cards for their parents, which led them to ask, "What are they voting for?" So we talked about how it was a big election year, not only nationally but how a lot of stuff was going on with Metro City Council at the local level, too. We talked about how if they needed their council people to fix an issue affecting their community, the people in government were much more likely to listen to what they had to say if lots of people in that community voted. They seemed to really get it and took cards and left the park, saying, "I'm gonna take this to my mom right now.

Also, thanks to member Jacob Stoebel came to volunteer.

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