| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Madison County Chapter Fall Friendraiser: Where great fellowship, food, and fun collide!

Over 80 folks gathered in Berea last night for the Madison County fall friendraiser.  The event kicked off with a delicious potluck which included everything from homemade spring rolls to fresh apple cake. 

There was also a short program where KFTC members Beth Bissmeyer, Zach Sieben, Gina Chamberlain, and Bill Stolte talked about chapter accomplishments over the year and ways to get involved in the future including supporting KFTC's work financially.  A special thanks to Eastern Kentucky KFTC member Sara Pennington for attending and speaking briefly about the work KFTC is doing in Eastern Kentucky. 

The evening was rounded out with musical guest and KFTC member David Hurt who entertained the group with several great songs on his Banjo!

Thanks to everything who supported the event and helped make it, and all of KFTC's work, possible!

If you live in Madison County, please join us for our next chapter meeting this Monday, October 27th at the Child Development Lab on Jefferson St. in Berea.

Madison County Friendraiser Madison County Friendraiser Madison County Friendraiser Madison County Friendraiser

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