| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Madison County Voter Mobilization Update

It's been an exciting week in Madison County.  We held three phone banks.  The first was at Berea College where students called fellow students who had registered to vote on campus.  Everyone we talked to is excited to hit the polls and we answered questions that made it simpler for them to do so.

Our other two phone banks were member calls both to get out the vote and inform members about upcoming events.  Our everyone was so informed that we'll have no problem keeping up the KFTC tradition being a powerful voice in elections. 

 Several members volunteered for upcoming voter mobilization phone banks, which will be held on November 1st, 4th, and 5th. 

 Other Madison County election happenings include:
- Berea City Council candidate forum, Oct. 30 @ 7:00 pm, Berea College Alumni Bldg.
- GOTV on EKU's campus on Halloween
- Election Day rides, sound car, and canvassing

JOIN US for any of these events...just call Carey Henson at 859-979-1967!

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