Mining and Politics | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Mining and Politics

Photo from I Love Mountains Day 2008

It may come as no surprise that mining companies ponied up cash in this last election cycle to candidates.  According to the latest figures compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, mining companies opened up their wallet to a tune of $1.8 million to federal candidates (House and Senate) running for office in 2008.  35% of that amount went to Democrats and 65% went to Republicans.  

The National Mining Association was the all-star in the group of 27 mining PACS compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics with donations of more than $630,000. Arch came in at $180,000 even and Peabody fell in at over $150,000.


And if you support people in politics, not corporate mining profits in politics, join us for the 2009 "I Love Mountains" Rally and Lobby Day at the state capitol in Frankfort in February -- where we will tell mining companies that they can't bury our streams and destroy our communities.  Stay tuned to this blog for details coming shortly!


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