More Kentuckians on Brink of Homelessness | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

More Kentuckians on Brink of Homelessness

A recent news report by the Kentucky News Connection (Public News Service) quotes Charla Peter, communications director for the Kentucky Housing Corporation, explaining the underlying cause of families' shaky housing status is often affordability.

"When the average wage in Kentucky is $10.91, to afford Kentucky's fair market rent at the average wage, a renter must work approximately 45 hours per week, every week, all year through."

According to Peter, another factor in the increase year-over-year is that many were not counted in 2009 due to the ice storm that impeded a complete survey. She adds that Kentucky's double-digit unemployment rate and overall economic downturn play into the spike, as well.

Another goal of the survey, says Peter, is to help alter the public's perception of homelessness, which is not always a person living on the street, or a person with substance abuse issues.

"It takes one incident, a job loss, a family illness or death, a change in familial status such as a divorce. It could be catastrophic to our families if they're not prepared."

The point-in-time count is used by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to determine the amount of funding agencies will receive to assist the homeless. The Kentucky Housing Corporation receives more than $11 million federal dollars a year to serve the homeless in 118 counties.

More information and the full report can be found here.

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