National Call-in Day to Support the Democracy Restoration Act - Monday | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

National Call-in Day to Support the Democracy Restoration Act - Monday


National Call-in Day in Support of the Democracy Restoration Act - national legislation to restore voting rights to former felons.

This action alert is from our allies at the Sentencing Project.

On Election Day, 4 million U.S. citizens living in our communities will be denied their right to vote because of a criminal conviction in their past.  The Democracy Restoration Act, S.1516/H.R.3335, would restore their right to vote in federal elections and educate voters about their rights. Please urge Congress to support this important legislation!

On Monday, November 1, 2010, the day before Election Day, people across the country will urge passage of the Democracy Restoration Act by calling their members of Congress to ask them to support passage of S.1516 and H.R.3335.  We hope that you will join us in making these critical calls!

Please call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121.  The switchboard can direct you to your Congressional representative and senators.  Once you reach the office, you can use the talking points below or share your own story.

Proposed Message(s) in support of the Democracy Restoration Act:

(although telling your own story might be the most powerful thing to do)

•  I am calling because I am concerned that over 4 million citizens living in our communities will be denied the right to vote in tomorrow's federal elections.
•  Voting is the most basic act of citizenship. Regaining the right to vote reintegrates formerly incarcerated men and women into our free society, helping to enhance public safety.
•  The Democracy Restoration Act would enhance the democratic process by expanding voting rights to people previously barred from participating in federal elections because of a felony conviction. I urge you to support and co-sponsor this legislation.



In other news, we have our sixth Singing For Democracy Gospel Fest tomorrow (Thursday) evening in Lexington at 6 p.m. at Shiloh Baptist Church.  Come out and join us!

And if voting is important to you and you do have the right to vote, please use that right on Tuesday, November 2nd and remind all of your friends to vote too.  You can learn more about the election at



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