National voter suppression efforts laid out on Bill Moyers show this week | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

National voter suppression efforts laid out on Bill Moyers show this week

The Bill Moyers show this week focused on the topic of voting rights. He interviewed folks from the Brennan Center for Justice who have a recent report out The Challenge of Obtaining Voter Identification about a movement going on in state legislatures across the country trying to make voting more restrictive for some voters.

pic 2They discuss how and why voting rights are being taken away, who is impacted the most, and why. It is an excellent scan of what is going on a national level. And it is also a good reminder about how precious the right to vote is in our democracy and the struggle this country has had over this issue since it was first founded. Watch the 20-minute segment online now by clicking here.

Also, Bill Moyer's show has a powerful 4-minute video about the impact that Pennsylvania's new restrictive voter ID law may have on hundreds of thousands of registered voters in Philadelphia and beyond. Check it out to learn what is going on there and how it is disenfranchising voters! 

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