New Power PAC launches new, exciting media campaign | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

New Power PAC launches new, exciting media campaign

Two short months ago, KFTC’s Steering Committee launched a political action committee called the New Power PAC to communicate with voters and candidates about the opportunity to create clean energy jobs and affordable, renewable energy in Kentucky and about the harm done by our dependence on old power fossil fuels.

At a press conference in mid-September, KFTC’s then-chairperson K.A. Owens declaredKA at New Power Press Conference:

Over the coming weeks we will communicate directly with thousands of Kentucky voters. We will make sure voters know candidates’ positions on New Power issues, including the opportunity for clean energy and the true costs of coal. We will take our message to the broader public with print, radio, television and electronic ads. And we will demonstrate to candidates that there is a significant base of support for new power and a brighter and cleaner future in Kentucky.

By now, you may have received or heard some of the ads distributed by the New Power PAC. At the bottom of this post you can find several samples of ads that are running in many media markets before the November 2nd election, including several radio spots that played on the UK sports radio network and many local radio stations throughout the fall. With a week to go before the fall election, the New Power PAC anticipated spending over $126,000 in this election cycle, the majority of that going to advertising and direct communication with voters.

Our New Power mailers were sent to more than 33,000 mailboxes, reaching almost 52,000 people. And our newspaper ads were sent to a circulation of more than 615,000! On top of these print communications, hundreds of thousands more people had the opportunity to hear our radio ads throughout the state. And these numbers don't even include the tens of thousands of folks who received calls and emails from us or talked with us about voting and New Power at festivals, tables, even zombie walks!

Megan at New Power Press Conference"We hit the ground running this fall, and we will only gain momentum in future election years,â€ noted KFTC member Megan Naseman, who is pictured on a New Power ad sent to voters in the 6th Congressional District. "Also, true to KFTC’s form, this (media campaign) is only one piece of our work.  After the elections, we’ll keep lobbying and meeting with officials. We hope that our work through the PAC will let officials know what broad support there is for New Power.â€



New Power Ads

Lexington Herald Leader Full Page (PDF)
New Power Newspaper ad (PDF)
New Power College Newspaper ad (PDF)
New Power and John Yarmuth ad in LEO (PDF)
New Power and Greg Fischer ad in LEO (PDF)



New Power Mailers

New Power and Rand Paul’s tax plan mailer (PDF)
New Power and Ben Chandler mailer (PDF)
New Power and Marty Meyer mailer (PDF)
New Power and Lynch mailer


New Power Emails

New Power and Jim Holbert (PDF)
New Power and Ed Marksberry (PDF)

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