New York Times Op-ed by Silas House on Coal | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

New York Times Op-ed by Silas House on Coal

Kentucky author, KFTC member and recent governor's office occupant Silas House got this op-ed published in the New York Times this weekend. 

Last weekend I joined 19 other Kentuckians in a sit-in at the office of Gov. Steve Beshear. We were there to protest his support of mountaintop removal, a technique used by coal-mining companies that, as its name implies, involves blasting away the tops of mountains and hills to get at the coal seams beneath them.

Since it was first used in 1970, mountaintop removal has destroyed some 500 mountains and poisoned at least 1,200 miles of rivers and streams across the Appalachian coal-mining region. Yet Governor Beshear is so committed to the practice that he recently allied with the Kentucky Coal Association in a suit against the Environmental Protection Agency to block more stringent regulations of it. In court his administration's lawyers referred to public opposition as simply "an unwarranted burden."

The news media and the rest of the country typically think of mountaintop removal as an environmental problem. But it's a human crisis as well, scraping away not just coal but also the freedoms of Appalachian residents, people who have always been told they are of less value than the resources they live above ...

For the full New York Times article, click Here

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