A Night of Candidate Forums and Voter Education | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

A Night of Candidate Forums and Voter Education


Our allies at Operation Turnout (a coalition of African American churches and other groups) had a strong candidate forum in Lexington tonight. 

About 150 people came out to learn about candidates for 1st District Lexington Council, Council at Large, Mayor, and even the 6th District Congressional Race. 

KFTC leader Tayna Fogle got some time behind the mic to talk about KFTC, our campaign to restore voting rights to former felons, and our upcoming voter mobilization work, like our former-felon led voter mobilization phonebank at Imani Baptist Church on at 4:30pm on October 23rd.

Many thanks to Operation Turnout for organizing such a valuable event in such a key community. 

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 For more pictures of the event, visit our picture set on Flickr.  

Meanwhile, KFTC members in Georgetown went to the local mayoral candidate forum to learn about the candidates in that race - and to connect with other people in the community. 


The focus of these events has overwhelming been on educating ourselves and the public at-large about the candidates and where they stand on issues, but our members have also done a good job of taking opportunities to tell candidates where they stand on the important issues of the day. 

We've also been distributing tens of thousands of our KFTC Voter Guides at events and in public spaces and are about to launch a second mailing to people we've met since our first mass mailing.

Stay tuned to the blog for a another big voter education announcement early this upcoming week. 

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