| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

NKY chapter finds success at summer festivals

The Northern Kentucky chapter spent the last three weeks raising awareness at various northern Kentucky festivals, reaching out to citizens on all of the work we do, and encouraging more people to take Action For Justice.

The festivals included a celebration of northern Kentucky history (Roebling Fest), the local music scent/benefit for public radio (Browngrass Festival), or diversity (Northern Kentucky Pride Fest), members found people willing to listen. From Covington to Rabbit Hash, people were excited to see KFTC active in northern Kentucky.

This wasn’t the first time KFTC was at any of these events, with a member involved in planning the Browngrass Festival calling KFTC a fixture of the event. Other members, like Chris Flowers and Rebecca Lehman, use the festivals as a time to renew their membership.

The three events together made for huge strides for the chapter towards their goals, including recruiting 15 new members, raising over $200 in grassroots fundraising, over 50 people expressing an interest in KFTC’s work, and 2 new registered voters. 

The chapter hopes to use these events to build on other upcoming events, like next weekends Barn Dance in Rabbit Hash. Regardless, members are excited about being out in the community, and talking about the work members are doing everywhere to build a more just, sustainable Kentucky for all to share.

100_1544 NKY members tabling at Roebling Fest 2013. Photo taken by organizer. Please credit Kentuckians For The Commonwealth.


100_1528 NKY members tabling at Roebling Fest 2013. Photo taken by organizer. Please credit Kentuckians For The Commonwealth.

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