| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Northern Kentucky hosts resistance cookout

Members of the Northern Kentucky chapter hosted a cookout and potluck this past weekend, inviting folks to attend to share food, discuss the work that community members have done around healthcare, racial justice, climate change, and more. The event included not just food, but an hour long panel discussion led by leaders in local organizations focused on some of this work.

Over 40 people came out, and the discussion seemed to chrystalize to some in attendance around not just the moment we are in, but what do we do next to create the vision we want. Beyond rallies and grassroots lobbying at the moment, many people in the room realized we need to have new people running for office. Folks who are directly impacted by the issues we care about; candidates who look like all of the community, not just a few sections of it.

As the event whined down, attendees were thankful to hear from groups on the panel like Kentuckians For The Commonwealth (represnted by Amy Copelin), Northern Ketucky Fairness (represented by Bonnie Meyer), Indivisible NKY District 4 (represented by Christy Walker), and the Cincinnati Socialist Alternative (represented by Terrell Copelin), and moderated by KFTC member Michelle Slaugther. Additional members of other organizations were there as well, asking questions, and discussing current events. Folks are anxious for more collaboration, especially after the great coverage from the healthcare rally the previous Monday.