| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Northern Kentucky members pull double duty

Members Jesse Byelry, Pamela Dickson, Truman Harris, Emily Spinks, Lauren Gabbard, and Jeff Hampton at the Great American Cleanup

On April 27, members of the Northern Kentucky KFTC Chapter split time at two separate tables to help raise awareness about our work across the state. Half of the group attended The Great American Cleanup, while the other half participated in a community yard sale for Relay For Life.

The Great American Cleanup group was comprised of members from Northern Kentucky University’s Environmentally Concerned Organization of Students (ECOS) and a couple of other members. They set up at Goebel Park in Covington, talked to people about KFTC’s work to fight mountaintop removal mining, promote jobs and green energy through our Renew East Kentucky work, and the potential impact the Clean Energy Opportunity Act could have regionally. Several members also joined in to help remove invasive species from the park.

The rest of the crew were set up in Florence at Ockerman Middle School selling KFTC merchandise and items that they donated to help raise funds. Often times people asked what KFTC stood for, and people learned more about the great work we are doing locally and statewide. This was the third time the chapter has taken part in this event over the last four years, and has been a great way to help reach potential members in Boone County.

Between the two events the chapter raised nearly $100 in grassroots fundraising, recruited 5 new members, and helped increase the community’s awareness of the work our organization is doing.


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