| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Northern Kentucky members show "Get Out"

Members of the Northern Kentucky chapter hosted a film screening of Get Out, the acclaimed directorial debut of Jorand Peele. The film, which deals with race relations in the U.S. in a unique way, was a critical success last year, and was a great source of discussion.

The discussion was moderated by Michelle Slaughter with the more than 20 folks who came out. The discussion ranged from current events related to race relations, reflections on the recent Women's anniversary marches that had happened the day before, the need to tackle issues of race head on (even when uncomfortable), barriers disproportionatel impacting people of color from participaiting in public events, and what is needed to do in our communities to building a healthier racial concsiousness.

The chapter launched the film as part of an ongoing desire to use films to discuss racial justice issues in our community. The chapter is hoping to screen 13th later in the year, and is looking for other films to show as well.