Northern Kentucky Petitions to Become 13th KFTC Chapter | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Northern Kentucky Petitions to Become 13th KFTC Chapter


 Last night, twenty Northern KY KFTC members came together to petition to officially become KFTC's 13th Chapter.  It was an energetic, positive meeting with many new members, despite  beginning just an hour after Primary Election polls closed.

Before moving forward, we took a look back at what we've been able to accomplish in the five short months since we've been meeting regularly in the community.  Members shared stories of lobbying in Frankfort with KFTC, including the Voting Rights Lobby Day, and I Love Mountains Day, we recounted our Budget Bake Sale at NKU, our Yard Sale Fundraiser, Euchre for Justice Fundraiser, voter mobilization phone banks, and community festivals.

With that history in mind and many hopes for what we'll be able to accomplish in the Future, Nina Boskin lead the official vote for us to become a Chapter with all of the responsibilities that come along with that and the vote was a unanimous "yes."

"This might sound a little sappy,  but I really feel like there's a growing sense of community amongst this group.  It's great." - Rick Traud

We elected a strong slate of local leaders:

Steering Committee Representative Scott Goebel
Steering Committee Alternate Antonio Mazzaro
Publicity Co-Coordinators Amy Beth Able and Jean Caudill
Membership Coordinators Carrie Ann Welsh and Nina Bosken
Fundraising Co-Coordinators Alex Searles and Virginia Johnson

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Upcoming NKY KFTC Events

May 20th – Deep Down Showing at the Newport Library at 7pm

May 22nd – KFTC Steering Committee Meeting, Hazard, KY where NKY KFTC members will submit their petition to become a chapter.

May 24th –First Day of the Special Legislative Session in Frankfort.  We’ll have a big rally for comprehensive, progressive tax reform on the first day of the session with allies at 5pm.

June 22-26 – Social Forum, Detroit

June 15th – NKY KFTC Meeting.  Florence City Building (or other location TBA), 7pm

June 25th – Dry Ridge.  Owen County Electric Annual Meeting

June 26th - Euchre For Justice (II) Fundraiser at the home of Joe Gallenstein


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