| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Open letter to Governor Andy Beshear about Voting Rights

Governor Andy Beshear,

Kentuckians know that our democracy works best when we all have a voice and a vote. Your 2019 executive order attempted to help reduce disenfranchisement of Kentuckians with felony records in their past, and was a huge step toward a healthy democracy. I want to thank you for taking action and to let you know it's not enough.

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth and the 44 member organizations of the Kentucky Voting Rights Coalition have invested immensely into reaching these people and registering them to vote. We’ve knocked doors, made phone calls, tabled at community events, and more.  We’ve helped people navigate the process of learning whether their rights were restored, registered those who are eligible, and helped people apply who are not. Again, it was not enough to significantly increase voter turnout in the last election cycle. We will do more and want your support.

Over 2,400 applications for voting rights were pending when you took office, having been ignored by the previous administration. We’ve met some of these people over the past 2 years and heard their frustrations. They want to hear from you.

We urge you to respond to those applications, and to the Kentuckians who submitted them with hopes of participating in and strengthening our democracy. Their rights are on your desk and in your hands, and they deserve an answer.

We’d love to hear back from you and gain some insights into why this hasn’t happened yet, how you might rectify this situation, and how we might help you.  

Thanks for your attention to this matter.

Cassia Herron
KFTC Chairperson

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