Operation Voter Madness in CKY Continues!! | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Operation Voter Madness in CKY Continues!!

We're 48 hours into Operation Voter Madness in Central Kentucky with over 250 voters registered!


Last night, members tabled outside of Cosmic Charlies, a local bar and music venue. There we registered people to vote and found a lot of support for KFTC's work against mountain-top-removal. After Cosmic Charlies, members headed back over to Tolly Ho's for the second late night of voter registration. At 6am, members headed over to the LexTran Transit Center to catch folks on their way to work. We had great conversations with former felons who learned about our restoration of voting rights work. There were a lot of misconceptions about voting rights, and we were happy to help clear those up. From 10am-2pm, members tabled at the farmer's market.


To finish up the second 24 hours of Operation Voter Madness, several members canvassed the Ohio-Walnut precinct in North Lexington. We went door-to-door registering voters, updating addresses, and helping former felons navigate the process to regain their voting rights. 




Despite the early hours and cold weather, members have remained energetic. We just finished up at the Kentucky Theatre. We ran into a lot of folks who were already registered, and volunteers celebrated for each person! For the rest of the night, we're headed to various bars throughout Lexington, Tolly Ho's, and then back to the Transit Center at 6am. Hope we see you out!



Operation Voter Madness at the Kentucky TheatreOperation Voter Madness at the Kentucky TheatreOperation Voter Madness! The bar shift



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