Oregonians show support for justice in the mountains | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Oregonians show support for justice in the mountains

On April 25th, KFTC members in Portland, Oregon, held a benefit to support a new economy in Kentucky.

Why? Oregonians have strong opinions about coal power. The only coal facility in Oregon is scheduled to be closed in 2020. And while there is no coal mining in the state, Oregon has hotly debated whether to allow trains to carry Rocky Mountain coal to the Pacific Coast for export to other countries.

Five members of KFTC – some native Kentuckians, some folks who have volunteered for KFTC in the past – organized an event to share what is happening in Kentucky and how KFTC is working hard to defend our mountains and create a just economy for mountain communities. They figured that Oregonians would care and open their pocketbooks.

The event was a resounding success! The organizers were right: Oregonians were shocked to learn how people had to fight for the environmental and public interest protections that they take for granted. Over bourbon cocktails and in the fresh spring sunshine, guests responded by buying plants, bidding on silent auction items like Appalachian music and a handmade quilt, and donating directly to KFTC.  Rep. Alissa Keny-Guyer, a state representative with connections to civil justice, added her thoughts on why KFTC’s work is important and how people standing together can make a difference.

Thanks to their efforts – and donations from Portfolio 21, a sustainable investment firm; local sustainability-focused brewery Hopworks; and KEEN Footwear – the event doubled its fundraising goal, raising more than $4,500.

Portland OR planning team


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