| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Peabody CEO says rtwaqblack is the new greenrtwaq

This blog post was written by Beth Bissmeyer, a Berea College student and co-chair of the Madison County chapter.

While a good many folks reading this blog know that coal is far from clean, Gregory Boyce, Chairman and CEO of Peabody Energy--the largest privately-owned coal company in the world--wants you to think otherwise, and is willing to spend millions to convince you. In a USA Today article published Monday, it was reported that Peabody "kicked in about $9 million this year to an ad campaign touting 'clean coal.'"

Here's a kicker of a quote from Boyce:

There's a perception out there that coal is dirty, and we have to change that," he adds, noting that coal plants already have cut emissions of some pollutants and boosted efficiency to slash CO2 discharges. "Black is the new green."

The article goes on to cover Peabody's push for coal-to-liquid and how the rising demand outside the US has, in part, impacted coal supply and price. According to the article, "Prices for Appalachian coal have jumped from $45 to more than $100 a ton since last year. Citing soaring coal costs, dozens of utilities recently announced electricity rate increases of up to 30%."

 And as people across Kentucky and across the US are facing increased utilities rates, Peabody and other coal companies continue to spend big. The USA Today article reports that, "About 30 coal-fired power plants are under construction around the country, the most in a generation. Peabody, along with partners, is building a $3 billion, 1,600-megawatt coal generator in Illinois, the biggest U.S. coal plant in 25 years."


We need to continue debunking the myth of clean coal and working to stop the building of new coal-fired power plants. A good letter to the editor always serves as a great way to have your voice heard, and if you felt so inclined, you could give Peabody your two cents, as well:

Peabody Energy
701 Market St.
St. Louis, MO 63101
[email protected]

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