Perry County chapter remembers Martin Luther King | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Perry County chapter remembers Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King Jr.This Monday Perry KFTC members attended events in Hazard honoring and celebrating the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr, including a Diversity Breakfast at the Hazard Community and Technical College. Natalie Gibson, who is the Diversity Director for the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, spoke on the theme of "Live the Dream.â€ Ludrenia Hagans-Sheperd, president of the local NAACP chapter and professor at HCTC, spoke about the challenges of getting access to education of African Americans and the legacy of African Americans educators in Eastern Kentucky.

Following the breakfast, the NAACP chapter hosted a march from the college to Consolidated Baptist Church in Hazard. At the church, KFTC members shared fellowship and reflections with NAACP members and others in the community.

"Now, maybe more than ever, we need the leadership to carry on Martin Luther King Jr.’s mission of seeking justice for everyone. There is growing income disparity that impacts all people and a justice system that disproportionately incarcerates African Americans,â€ Lyle Snider reflected.

KFTC members also talked about our restoration of voting rights campaign and encouraged people to come to Frankfort for the lobby day on February 10th. A number of new people expressed interest in the campaign and looking forward to participating in the lobby day.

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