| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

In-person voting has started – find your location and help turn out voters

As of October 13, polls for in-person voting are open and will stay open through November 3. Find your local voting locations. Don’t wait until November 3 – the sooner you vote the better. Voters who are unable to get a photo ID because of COVID-19 will be allowed to vote.

Important Reminders

  • If your mail ballot does not arrive by October 28, you can vote in person.
  • If you run into any problems at the polls or have questions, call our friends at 1-866-OUR-VOTE.
  • To help with election protection, you can at www.protectthevote.net. We’ll have trainings and local plans to watch the polls for problems and help troubleshoot with voters.  
  • If you or someone you know has a felony in their past, they are eligible to vote if their voting rights have been restored (check here) and if they’re already registered (check here).

We’re spreading the word by calling voters, delivering literature and more. We have a weekly voter mobilization phone bank on Wednesday night, plus lots of other events where you can help. Sign up at www.KentuckyDemocracy.org /volunteer.

If you chose to vote by absentee mail ballot, be sure to follow instructions carefully when completing and returning your ballot.

  • Sign and seal both envelopes.
  • Don’t remove any flaps.
  • Get it back into the mail as soon as you can, or use the drop box location(s) in your county. 

It might take 7-14 days after November 3 to make sure every vote is counted and every voice is heard in this election. We’ll need to urge people to be patient. Counting every vote is an important part of a healthy democracy.

The Kentucky Democracy Project is a campaign of Kentucky Coalition, a social justice organization supporting leadership development, grassroots organizing and public policy advocacy in Kentucky, across the South and in Appalachia. Established in 1984. You may know our sister organization, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth.

Please volunteer and sign up for upcoming events at www.KentuckyDemocracy.org/volunteer.