Pictures and Quotes from Louisville | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Pictures and Quotes from Louisville

Here are some quick pictures and quotes we picked up doing our ground work in Louisville today, walking around and mobilizing voters.

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"Voting matters because each one of us makes up America. I vote because we're responsible for America's present and future." Toma Lynn Smith, Kentucky Jobs with Justice


"I believe in democracy. We can't sit back if a representative is against the interests of the people. I vote for what's best for the people." Bill Swafford, Louisville--African American male, 62, interviewed in parking lot of Kroger Groceries on Broadway and 28th Street, Louisville


"Voting always feels important. People died for that freedom for me and I'll vote until the very end." Eva White, Louisville--African American female, 57, interviewed in parking lot of Kroger Groceries on Broadway and 28th Street, Louisville

Thanks to our friend Brigid Flaherty with the PUSHBACK Network for gathering these pictures and quotes.

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