| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Pie-in-the-Sky fundraising in Madison County

On a spring evening in May, those hungry for New Power as well as pie gathered in a small church gymnasium. Eight years ago, local KFTC members, confident and proud of their baking skills, started this tradition of donating pies to auction in support of KFTC’s work. This year, the prospect of a $100,000 matching grant provided additional motivation for expanding the reach of the chapter’s efforts.

The evening began with a welcome from Teri Blanton, a long-time member who hosted and auctioned the pies. To start things off in a warm, family atmosphere, members led the children in a pie auction of their own in addition to a singalong led by local musician Sam Gleaves.

Of the event, Gleaves said, “I love how all the Madison County KFTC organizers made the pie auction such a warm and neighborly gathering. Folks of all generations attended and I was thankful they were willing to sing with me!” Gleaves also provided entertainment throughout the evening, playing music between bidding periods, which kept the crowd in good spirits.

Lively bidding spats and friendly rivalries helped sell pies as the auction’s attendees raised funds for KFTC and its work. The auction also gives the membership and the community at-large the opportunity to come together. Joan English, a local member and auction attendee describes the annual pie auction as “...a great chance to visit with people who are passionate about voter advocacy and encouraging others to use their voices. Such a nice friendly spirit of community and, hey – PIE!”

Without a doubt, it is this spirit of unity and a commitment to the mission of KFTC that drives the local chapter and its dedication to this now legacy event. As attendees departed with their hard-won pies from this year, they were already chatting about preparing next year’s treats.

