Pipeline Action: Tell the Corps and FERC to Protect Our Water

A growing number of Kentuckians continue to stand up for our water, land and health by standing against the proposed Williams & Boardwalk hazardous liquids Bluegrass Pipeline. You can find some local highlights on our recent blog post and more background information on our new pipeline page.
Right now, there is a great opportunity to add to that resistance. Will you take action?
KFTC is working with residents in pipeline-targeted counties on multiple strategies to keep NGL pipelines out of Kentucky, including community education and legislation that would clarify the limits of eminent domain and establish oversight for NGL pipelines. Additionally, Kentuckians can appeal to two federal agencies that have the ability to offer oversight, safeguards and criteria for any new NGL pipeline construction or conversion of existing pipeline to NGLs – the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
1) Write a letter addressed to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission urging those two federal agencies to:
- require a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement on all new and re-purposed portions of the proposed Bluegrass NGL Pipeline Project,
- collaborate to conduct a full environmental analysis of the need, alternative routes and alternatives to the pipeline, and the social, environmental, and economic impacts,
- advise the pipeline project companies that no actions that would commit resources to a particular project route, including easement acquisition, be allowed pending the completion of a comprehensive Environmental Impact Statement.
Include personal details of how the proposed Bluegrass Pipeline could affect you, your land or the quality of life in your community. Tell them why you care about this issue.
Send your letter to:
James Townsend
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P.O. Box 59
Louisville, KY 40201
Ms. Kimberly Bose, Secretary
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
888 First Street NE, Room 1A
Washington, D.C. 20426
2) If you are unable to send individual letters at this time, please sign and share out this petition to the Corps and FERC.
Thanks for Taking Action!
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