Polls Now Open - Vote Today! | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Polls Now Open - Vote Today!

download3It's 6:00 a.m. Eastern time and polls are open across most of Kentucky.

So get out and vote! - and use these last 12 hours to do what you can to get other people learning about the candidates and voting.

Polls will be open until 6:00 p.m. local time.  If you're in line at 6:00 p.m. you'll be able to vote even if you actually cast your vote a few minutes later.  But don't cut it close!

Keep an eye on this blog throughout the day.  We're going to have lots of updates of our activities throughout the state - with pictures, stories, and quotes from our members.

And finally - please keep an eye out for election irregularities - folks having trouble voting at polls, folks trying to buy votes, etc.  If you do see anything like that out there, please let us know so we can try to intervene. 

Here are some phone numbers to call if you're noticing election problems:

- Attorney General's Election Fraud Hotline - 1-800-328-8683
- Dave Newton, Lead KFTC Voter Empowerment Organizer (cell phone) - 859-420-8919
- State Board of Elections 1-502-573-7100
- Your local County Clerk - Click here for contact information for all 120 counties.

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