| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Polls open at 6 a.m. tomorrow. Three Actions

LGBTQ History Month 1Tomorrow is Election Day – Tuesday, November 6.

This is a critical election, unlike any other. Control of the Kentucky House, the US House and local governments hang in the balance, and tomorrow’s results will determine how effectively we can fight for our vision in 2019 and 2020.

In this long election cycle we’ve registered thousands of people to vote and talked with tens of thousands at events, trainings, phone banks and more. But there’s still a few things you can do in the next day and a half that can make the difference.

  1. Learn about the candidates and vote. Polls are open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. You can see what’s on your ballot, where candidates stand on issues, find your voting location and more at www.KentuckyElection.org. Make a plan now to vote tomorrow.
  2. Spread the word to friends and family. Call everyone in your cell phone tonight to remind them to vote; use social media to talk about candidates you care about; share www.KentuckyElection.org with everyone you run into between now and 6 p.m. tomorrow. It might feel like everyone you know is already voting and knows who they’re voting for – but some of them aren’t ready yet. You can actually make the difference for a lot of your friends. If you and all 12,000 KFTC members do this, we win big on election day.
  3. Volunteer. There’s still time to volunteer with your local KFTC chapter and call voters to mobilize them, pass out our voter guides, go door-to-door, and join in creative election day events like bike parades! Contact your local KFTC organizer or reach out to our Democracy Organizer Dave Newton at 859-420-8919 or [email protected] to volunteer outside of chapter areas.

Important numbers & links for Election Day:
Votewithme.us: A great phone app to help you help your friends to vote
Voter rights & responsibilities: www.kftc.org/election/your-rights
County clerks’ contact information: elect.ky.gov/contactcountyclerks/pages/default.aspx
Attorney General’s Election Fraud Hotline: (800) 328-8683
State Board of Elections: (502) 573-7100