Rebates coming soon for energy efficient appliances | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Rebates coming soon for energy efficient appliances

an old refrigerator

An old refrigerator

Kentuckians who want to purchase energy-efficient appliances will soon be eligible for a financial rebate, thanks to funding made available through the federal stimulus act. Kentucky's $4 million rebate program will launch on Earth Day, April 22 and continue while funds last. Rebates will be administered on a first come, first serve basis.

The following rebates will be offered for the purchase of eligible Energy Star appliances:

Clothes washers:                                        $100

Dishwashers:                                              $50

Refrigerators:                                             $50

Freezers:                                                     $50

Room air conditioners:                               $40

Electric pump water heaters:                      $400

High efficiency gas storage water heaters: $50

High performance gas storage water heaters: $100

Gas tankless water heaters:                         $300

Solar water heaters (electric or gas backup): $400

Central air conditioners:                              $100

Air source heat pumps:                                $400

Geothermal heat pumps:                              $400

Gas furnaces:                                               $300

Gas boilers:                                                  $200

Eligible consumers are residents of Kentucky making purchases of replacement appliances from Kentucky retailers. This means that the consumer must be an individual with a Kentucky residence who is looking to get rid of an older appliance and replace it with a qualified ENERGY STAR appliance, and it must be purchased in Kentucky.   

Appliances with an ENERGY STAR label have met strict energy efficiency guidelines set jointly by the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. These guidelines are designed to help consumers save money and to protect the environment.

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