Reel Power Film Fest at Union College | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Reel Power Film Fest at Union College

Over the last year or more, KFTC members at Union College and around Knox County have been gaining momentum toward building a local chapter and/or KFTC student group at Union. From distributing voter guides and KFTC's balancing the scales (BTS) newsletters to attending I Love Mountains Day and hosting film screenings, they've been growing and growing.

Monday evening, members at Union College partnered with Reel Power to host their second film screenings. This partnership allowed them to share free screenings of Deep Down and Gasland, along with free refreshments. Reel Power also helped to bring a spokesperson for Deep Down, Jason Howard, a Kentucky author, musician, and once the faith-based organizer for the film. Jason is also a long-time KFTC member and was able to help lead a Q & A about not only the film, but organizing and KFTC, along with Union student, Jacqualine Bengie.

IMG_1122Campus Minister Rev. David Miller welcomed about 30 people from campus and around Knox County at the beginning of the screening. Some came to learn more about KFTC, some were interested in the films, and others for class. 

One Union faculty member (and KFTC member) made a five-page study guide to accompany Deep Down and brought his entire class to the screening.  Many familiar faces were in the crowd, but two people joined KFTC and many others left with BTS and membership information.

Folks at Union are now planning outreach and carpooling for the big upcoming statewide annual meeting in Jabez next month.


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