Reel World String Band turns 30 | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Reel World String Band turns 30


This past weekend, the long time KFTC friends and allies the Reel World String Band had a 30th Anniversary Celebration at the UK Singletary Center. 


Reel World has played dozens of KFTC events over the years and was a featured band on the recent KFTC CD Songs for the Mountaintop

The Reel World String Band was kind enough to include KFTC in their 30th Anniversary Celebration, including letting us have an information table (staffed by Members Susan Williams, Doug Rigsby, and Janet Tucker). 

Silas House sat at our table and signed books, and made a great pitch for KFTC onstage.

The band played to a huge and packed house and KFTC members who went really enjoyed themselves and also expressed a deep appreciation for all that the Reel World string band has done for the cause of social justice over the years. 

To learn more about the Reel World String Band, and to even listen to some of their great music online, visit

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