| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Register to Attend the Second SOAR Initiative Conference

KFTC members are encouraged to register and attend for the 2015 Strategy Summit of the Shaping Our Appalachian Region (SOAR) initiative. The initiative was established by Gov. Steve Beshear and Rep. Hal Rogers in 2013. It’s mission is ”to expand job creation, enhance regional opportunity, innovation, and identity,improve the quality of life, and support all those working to achieve these goals in Appalachian Kentucky.”


SOAR Strategy Summit


Monday, February 16

8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


East Kentucky Exposition Center

126 Main Street

Pikeville, KY 41501


Pre-register at www.soar-ky.org by February 11 

There is a $10 fee to pre-register or $15 for registration at the door. KFTC is able to offer financial help to members who would like to attend and pre-register. Please contact Sara Pennington at [email protected] or 606-276-9933 for more information.

According to the SOAR organizers, “this follow-up Summit is focused on commitments to collectively enact [the strategies developed by working groups in 2014] as a region.” They say folks should attend to:

  • Learn how to work together with other organizations and communities to have collective impact while maintaining local identity

  • Hear examples of success in communities who have taken this approach

  • Network with local, regional, state, and federal officials along with private industry leaders

  • Gain understanding on how your community can compete for state and federal grants

  • Show your commitment to being a part of the SOAR Solution in 2015

Organizers say a detailed agenda will be available before the summit. KFTC will communicate out the agenda and further details as we learn them via email to members.

To learn more about KFTC’s response to the SOAR initiative and download our 14-point policy proposal that we believe SOAR and other leaders could enact to help create a just transition and a bright future in eastern Kentucky, visit www.kftc.org/soar
