| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Register for our Candidate and Campaign Training Nov 11-13


Have YOU ever thought about running for public office or helping someone else to run?  Now might be the time. 

We now have an online registration form up for our November Candidate and Campaign Training with Wellstone Action and the PUSHBACK Network.

Elements of the world-class Wellstone Action training will include messaging, electoral base-building, targeting, direct voter contact, running an effective phone and door program, stump speeches, interactive scripts, GOTV, media work, fundraising, and more.

This is a non-partisan training for people who plan to run for office or help to manage a campaign within the next three years. It is sponsored by the KFTC and the Pushback Network, a national collaboration of social justice community organizations to coordinate integrated civic engagement work. The purpose of the training is to advance social justice by preparing people to represent our communities as elected officials and campaign managers.

The training will be held from Nov. 11-13 in Louisville, Kentucky. The training will begin at 9 AM on Nov. 11 so out of area people will need to arrive on Nov. 10. It will end in early afternoon on Nov. 13 so people can fly out that day.

Please register here and we will follow up with you to work out logistical arrangements. Registration Deadline - Oct 7th

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